Subtitle Converter - Convert Subtitles to Multiple Formats


Step 2. Select Target Format:
Step 3. Click to Confirm Upload:
Tips: Support LRC,SRT,ASS,VTT,SSA,SUB format subtitle files, the size of a single file does not exceed 5MB.
All uploaded files will be permanently deleted from our servers within 30 minutes of conversion, by uploading a file you agree to our Privacy Policy.

Subtitle Converter - Convert Subtitles to Multiple Formats

Subtitle Converter is an online tool used to convert subtitles between LRC,SRT,ASS,VTT,SSA,SUB and more formats.

Online Subtitle Converter tool that allows you to convert between different subtitle formats such as LRC,SRT,ASS,VTT,SSA,SUB and more.

SRT to LRC : Convert SRT to LRC

VTT to LRC : Convert VTT to LRC

LRC to SRT : Convert LRC to SRT

LRC to VTT : Convert LRC to VTT

SRT to VTT : Convert SRT to VTT

SRT to ASS : Convert SRT to ASS

VTT to SRT : Convert VTT to SRT

VTT to ASS : Convert VTT to ASS

ASS to SRT : Convert ASS to SRT

ASS to VTT : Convert ASS to VTT